Fun Halloween Game Ideas

Fall is in the air and Halloween not far behind, now is the time to start thinking about the great Halloween games for the kids who will be knocking on your doors. Of course if you are throwing a Halloween party you will want to find not only great games, but also spooky decorations, and icky treats as well. A good selection of fun Halloween game ideas and activities will keep the party running smoothly even after the younger goblins have given up the ghosts.

Fun Halloween Game Ideas 1: Halloween Feel Box

Using cardboard (can be from empty cereal boxes and such), divide the inside of a large box into 4 pieces (or however many desired).
Cut holes in the sides of the box – these should be big enough for a hand but not big enough to see inside.
Put something (ideas below) into each section of the box and have the children put their hands in the holes and try to guess what is in it just by feeling it.

Ideas for items to place inside box:
Damp, Course Sponge – Brains
Twisted Chenille Stems – Spider
Pretzel Stick – Petrified Rat Tails
Dried Apricots – Dried-up Tongues
Cooked, Cold Spaghetti Noodles – Worms
Cooked, Cold Spaghetti Noodles – Veins
Peeled Grapes – Eyeballs
Fake Fur
Tines of a Plastic Fork – Vampire Teeth
Soft Flour Tortilla – Skin (can add a little oil)
Feed Corn – Teeth
Corn Husk Silk – Hair
Peeled Tomatoes – Heart
5 Baby Carrots – Fingers

Fun Halloween Game Ideas 2: Mummy Maker

This fun Halloween game ideas is for 6 or more players
Divide the kids into smaller groups.
One kid in each group is the mummy and the others wrap the mummy with toilet paper as fast as possible.
You can have a winner for the best mummy or a race for the fastest mummy wrapped, or no winner at all.
To avoid problems with “I want to be the mummy!” you can divide the groups and have each member of the group draw an assignment out of a pumpkin for their “job”.
You need at least one mummy per group and you could assign one kid to wrap the legs, arms, etc.. or just let them go.
Make sure to set some ground rules.
You might want to tell them not to wrap the head or face and throwing the rolls of toilet paper around the room probably is not a good idea!

Fun Halloween Game Ideas 3: Walk on the Witch’s Hat Halloween Game

Big brown paper bag, or big picture of a witch’s hat
CD player, tape player, or radio

How to play:
If you have a large picture of a witch’s hat, tape it right on the floor before you play the game.
If you don’t already have a picture, you can make one easily.
Cut the bag so that you can open it out flat.
Draw a big witch’s hat and cut it out.
The players will line up and shut their eyes.
A leader is at the front to see that no one peeks. (Whoever peeks is out of the game.)
The leader will control when the music stops and starts. When the music starts, the players begin walking in a circle (as in musical chairs) around the hat.
When the music stops, the person who is standing on the hat is out of the game. The last player to circle the hat wins!

These fun Halloween game ideas are sure winners for any Halloween party.

Explore the fascinating world of geometry gamesurd to understand the beauty of math and find out how it applies to everything from art to architecture.

General Career Tips That Make Sense!

In most cases, there is always room to climb higher in your chosen career or still make a great impression when and where needed. Finding career tips, ones that can generally help you can sometimes be a little hard to find or understand. General career tips that make sense, is all you want to find to help you light you way through your career tunnel.Resume no matter what is a must!Have a great resume, and always keep an updated copy even with your current company. By improving on your resume you is also showing initiative to climb and to keep improving in your chosen field regardless of already having a position, this can also be a bonus for those in temporary career positions that they are hoping leads to permanent employment with the company. A well written resume is a must with your experience clearly outlined. There are many websites online can help you with free templates and examples to create a professional resume. Out of all the career tips you may find online, a well written resume should be on anyone’s list if not at the top. Don’t ever be afraid to update your resume with your company at any point that your experience or education changes especially that can be beneficial to the company and career you have chosen.Practice your interviewing skills.Regardless if it is for a new position within your company or a position you could not simply turn down that now wants a phone interview, some places will do just face to face interviews, depending on the area of the position or the company schedule you may also find yourself doing a phone interview, and a face to face interview. Be prepared for questions regarding the position and the education surrounding it. Follow the interviewers vibe as they are talking, are they crisp and abrupt or more laid back with their questions and responses to anything you have said. Do not get too comfortable, whether on the Phone or in person. Walking around, saying hi to people and neighbors, or flushing the toilet is NOT the way to conduct an interview on the Phone. Fidgeting, or even being too stiff are also in-person indicators to interviewers. Try to be prepared with at least one question that does not pertain to salary or benefits (unless it is asked if you have any pertaining to), that fits the position or company that you are applying for. A quick read on any body language interview type guide can also help you keep a positive body position and body language during the interview, slouching, constantly scratching your head or any body part, fidgeting or checking the clock or your watch, are all things that should be avoided when interviewing, especially with multiple people someone is bound to notice your body language. Phone interviewers should avoid repeating words or phrases over, be in a quiet setting for the interview with a reliable phone line so there are no interruptions.Career tips that affect you personally you can easily do, or improve on such as: Dressing to impress, always arriving on time, or a little early, showing good work ethic, or improving your education and certifications all can be very simple or very difficult tasks depending on you! These might seem easy to do but they can be some of the greatest career tips yet the simplest ones and make a huge difference.Going back to school or working on special certifications and or training.When you think “going back to school” most cringe, and that could be for a variety of reasons, from the fact you spent enough time there already or you feel differently for a variety of reasons. Improving your education or certifications in your chosen career path can be as simple as taking a training course, class or test. Improving in areas needed for certain positions or to be considered for certain career advancements. Try checking out your local community colleges, career centers, and universities to talk to someone about classes and certifications that can help advance your career

4 Advocacy Tips to Empower You, When Special Educators Try to Use an Unapproved IEP!

Are you the parent of a child with Autism receiving special education services from your school district? Have special educators in your district tried to change your child’s IEP services, without your approval? Are you frustrated and not sure whether it is even allowed and what to do about it? This article will give you information about why school districts cannot implement a child in special education’s IEP, without parental approval; and four advocacy tips to empower you as you overcome this roadblock!Several courts have ruled including the US Supreme Court; that school districts must seek a due process hearing if they want to implement an IEP, without a parent’s approval. For example: If your school district states that your child with Autism no longer needs special education services, and they are going to stop the services; they are required to file for a due process hearing. Unfortunately, you may have to be assertively persistent in your advocacy to make sure that school employees understand this.Advocacy Tips:1. If your school district develops an IEP at a meeting that you do not agree with; the next day send the school district a letter, explaining to them in detail why you disagree with the proposed IEP. Keep a copy for yourself, and hand deliver the letter to the school district.2. If your school does not file for a due process hearing (before implementation of the unapproved IEP), you may file for a due process hearing yourself, and ask for a “stay put” placement as well as services (from the last agreed upon IEP). You should also ask the hearing officer to change the burden of proof to the school district, since they refused to file, since most States place the burden on the party that files (only six states (CT, DE. NJ, NY, NV, and WV place the burden of proof always on the school district).3. If the school personnel do file due process so that they can implement an IEP that you do not agree with (or if you are ready to file to stop the school from implementing an unapproved IEP); make arrangements to take your child to a qualified evaluator for an independent educational evaluation (IEE). This will help you determine your child’s disabilities, or specifically what related and special education services your child needs. The evaluation report can be used at due process as your evidence that the schools proposed IEP will not provide your child an appropriate education.4. If your school district does try to implement an IEP that you do not believe will give your child an appropriate education, this may leave the school district vulnerable to be required to pay for a private placement or services. IDEA 2004 allows parents to seek private placement and services for lack of a free appropriate public education (FAPE); and then seek reimbursement. Finding a child ineligible for related and special education services has required many schools around the country, to bear the cost of the child’s private services and schooling.In the above example if educators states that your child with Autism is no longer eligible for special education services, you may be able to seek private services and/or placement, and then file due process for reimbursement of the private services cost.As a parent you need to assertively and persistently advocate for your child, so that he or she can be ready for post school learning and a productive adult life! Good luck!